
The 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris brought together athletes from around the world who refused to let anything stand in their way.

Over 11 days of intense com­pe­ti­tion, these remark­able indi­vid­u­als demon­strat­ed that even in the face of immense chal­lenges, there is no lim­it to what the human spir­it – and body – can achieve.

Unfor­get­table Per­for­mances on the World Stage

In the track and field events, the world watched as Brazil’s Petrú­cio Fer­reira once again showed why he’s con­sid­ered one of the fastest Par­a­lympians, clinch­ing gold in the T47 100 meters. Mean­while, Dutch wheel­chair rac­er Diede de Groot proved her dom­i­nance on the court by defend­ing her gold medal in women’s wheel­chair ten­nis, leav­ing fans in awe.

The Paris Games also fea­tured his­toric firsts. Zakia Khu­dada­di won the Refugee Par­a­lympic Team’s first-ever medal with a bronze in Para Taek­won­do in the women’s K44 ‑47kg class. Her jour­ney is par­tic­u­lar­ly inspir­ing, as she had to escape from Afghanistan just days before her debut at Tokyo 2020. “I want to give this medal to the whole world,” Khu­dada­di said, express­ing her hope for free­dom for all refugees, women, and girls around the world.

Adding to the Refugee Team’s suc­cess, Guil­laume Junior Atan­gana became the first male refugee to medal at an Olympic or Par­a­lympic Games by win­ning bronze in the men’s 400m T11 three days lat­er, a moment that res­onat­ed deeply across the glob­al com­mu­ni­ty.

Great Britain’s Jodie Grin­ham also made his­to­ry as the first known preg­nant ath­lete to reach a Par­a­lympic podi­um. Despite the chal­lenges of com­pet­ing while preg­nant, Grin­ham won bronze in the wom­en’s indi­vid­ual com­pound and lat­er teamed up with Nathan Mac­queen to win gold in the mixed team event.

Medal Table: The Top 10 Nations

Below is a table of the top 10 coun­tries by medal count in the 2024 Par­a­lympic Games, show­cas­ing the diver­si­ty and tal­ent from around the world:

Image cour­tesy of olympics.com


A Cel­e­bra­tion of Human Spir­it

The 2024 Par­a­lympic Games weren’t just about the medals – they were a cel­e­bra­tion of per­se­ver­ance and the human spir­it. Ath­letes like Thomas Wand­schnei­der, who won bronze in table ten­nis at 60 years old, and Japan’s Ito Tomoya, who claimed bronze in the men’s 400m T52 at 61, remind us that it’s nev­er too late to pur­sue your dreams. 

For oth­er ath­letes, their sto­ries were just begin­ning. For instance, Great Britain’s Iona Win­nifrith and Bly Twom­ey, at just 13 and 14 years old, were among the youngest com­peti­tors and medal­lists, high­light­ing the bright future of Par­a­lympic sport.

These Games will be remem­bered not just for the records set and the medals award­ed but for the pow­er­ful sto­ries of resilience, deter­mi­na­tion, and hope that inspired mil­lions across the globe. The Paris 2024 Par­a­lympics showed us that great­ness lies with­in every­one, regard­less of the obsta­cles they face.

Main image: Oksana Mas­ters of Team USA cel­e­brates win­ning the Women’s H5 Road Race. Michael Steele / Get­ty