
Ukrainian high jumper Yaroslava Mahuchikh became the best female track athlete of 2024 in the world, according to the International Association of Athletics Federations (World Athletics).

This was report­ed on the fed­er­a­tion’s X account late on Sun­day, Decem­ber 1.

In the final vote Mahuchikh beat the Bel­gian Nafis­sa­ta Thi­am, who became the Olympic cham­pi­on of the 2024 Games in hep­tathlon. The Ukrain­ian ath­lete was nom­i­nat­ed for the World Ath­let­ics Award for the third con­sec­u­tive year, but won the award for the first time.

The best male track and field ath­lete in the world for 2024 is Swedish pole vaulter Arman Duplan­tis, 25, a two-time Olympic cham­pi­on and hold­er of the Olympic record of 6.25 meters.

At the end of Octo­ber, Mahuchikh, 23, was named Europe’s best female ath­lete of 2024. The Euro­pean Ath­let­ics award was pre­sent­ed to the Ukrain­ian jumper dur­ing the Gold­en Tracks cer­e­mo­ny in Skop­je, the cap­i­tal of north­ern Mace­do­nia.

At this sum­mer’s Olympic Games in Paris, Yarosla­va Mahuchikh became the gold medal­ist in her event by clear­ing 2 meters on her first attempt. Ear­li­er in 2024, she broke the wom­en’s high jump world record with a leap of 2.10 meters to win the Dia­mond League final for the third year in a row. With her leap, the Ukrain­ian shat­tered the 37-year-old record held by Ste­f­ka Kostadi­no­va of Bul­gar­ia by 1 cm.

The Ath­letes for Free­dom Foun­da­tion extends its con­grat­u­la­tions to the unbe­liev­able Yarosla­va. May you enjoy every suc­cess in ath­let­ics and beyond!