
In a thrilling development for fans, Formula 1 announced that it will welcome an 11th team to the grid: General Motors’ Cadillac brand.  This marks a significant milestone for the sport’s growth in the United States, solidifying its American presence with a second truly American team alongside Haas.

The vision­ary plan, ini­tial­ly dri­ven by Michael Andret­ti, to intro­duce a Cadil­lac-sup­port­ed F1 team, received offi­cial approval on Novem­ber 25. Iron­i­cal­ly, this piv­otal moment for Amer­i­can motor­sport will unfold with­out Andret­ti, who stepped down from his role at Andret­ti Glob­al in Sep­tem­ber. Nev­er­the­less, the icon­ic Andret­ti name remains linked to the project, with rac­ing leg­end Mario Andret­ti, the 1978 F1 World Cham­pi­on, join­ing the team’s board. Mario Andret­ti expressed his endur­ing love for F1, stat­ing, “To still be involved at this stage of my life—I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dream­ing.”

As the Cadil­lac F1 team pre­pares for its debut in 2026, oper­a­tions are set to span both the Unit­ed States and the UK, with facil­i­ties in Indi­ana, North Car­oli­na, Michi­gan, and Sil­ver­stone. The team’s mis­sion is clear: to embody Amer­i­can inno­va­tion and deliv­er unfor­get­table expe­ri­ences to race fans world­wide.

This move under­scores F1’s con­tin­ued expan­sion in the U.S., align­ing with Lib­er­ty Medi­a’s growth strat­e­gy for the sport. GM’s entry brings decades of rac­ing suc­cess and engi­neer­ing prowess to the glob­al stage, promis­ing a new era of com­pe­ti­tion.

Gen­er­al Motors Pres­i­dent Mark Reuss high­light­ed the sig­nif­i­cance of this endeav­or: “It’s an hon­or for Gen­er­al Motors and Cadil­lac to join the world’s pre­mier rac­ing series. This is a glob­al stage for us to demon­strate GM’s engi­neer­ing exper­tise and tech­nol­o­gy lead­er­ship.”

While GM’s involve­ment is a vic­to­ry for Amer­i­can motor­sport, it is tinged with irony as it will pro­ceed with­out Michael Andret­ti, who orig­i­nal­ly spear­head­ed the effort. Nonethe­less, the pres­ence of Mario Andret­ti adds a sym­bol­ic touch to this new chap­ter in F1 his­to­ry.