
The NFL has announced that Beyoncé will perform during the Christmas Day halftime show for the Houston Texans vs. Baltimore Ravens game.

While fans of the music icon cel­e­brat­ed the news, the reac­tion from many foot­ball enthu­si­asts has been luke­warm.  

Beyoncé’s glob­al star pow­er is unde­ni­able, but some fans expressed doubts about the choice. “Nah­h­hh, nobody wants this,” com­ment­ed one user on social media. Anoth­er dis­missed the announce­ment with a blunt “Hard pass.”  

The crit­i­cism wasn’t sole­ly about the per­for­mance itself. Some allud­ed to Beyoncé’s past polit­i­cal endorse­ments, ques­tion­ing whether the half­time show might include more than music. One com­menter asked, “Is she singing or mak­ing a speech?” ref­er­enc­ing her pre­vi­ous cam­paign­ing for Kamala Har­ris. 

Despite the mixed recep­tion, the NFL has packed its Christ­mas sched­ule with excite­ment. Ear­li­er in the day, the Kansas City Chiefs face the Pitts­burgh Steel­ers, fol­lowed by the Tex­ans host­ing Lamar Jackson’s Ravens in the evening.  

This hol­i­day line­up comes after Net­flix faced crit­i­cism for tech­ni­cal issues dur­ing the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight on Nov. 15. Some fans wor­ry the stream­ing ser­vice might strug­gle with the expect­ed high view­er­ship. “If it’s like the Tyson/Paul num­bers, we won’t even see the game live,” one per­son joked online.  

Whether view­ers tune in for Bey­on­cé, the games, or both, this Christ­mas promis­es plen­ty of entertainment—and per­haps a touch of con­tro­ver­sy.