
Manchester United soccer club’s captain Bruno Fernandes was quick to lend a hand to a fellow passenger who collapsed on a flight to Lisbon on Monday, November 11.

Return­ing to his native Por­tu­gal after a stel­lar week­end per­for­mance against Leices­ter City, where he scored one goal and assist­ed two oth­ers in a 3–0 vic­to­ry, Fer­nan­des respond­ed to a call for help mid-flight.

Accord­ing to Susan­na Law­son, a wit­ness on board, the Man­ches­ter Unit­ed cap­tain stepped up with­out hes­i­ta­tion when a man showed signs of dis­tress near the plane’s restroom. “Bruno was hold­ing a gen­tle­man who looked like he was pass­ing out,” Law­son shared. Fer­nan­des stayed with the pas­sen­ger, ensur­ing he was com­fort­able and sta­ble until the sit­u­a­tion improved.  

Fer­nan­des was en route to join Por­tu­gal’s nation­al team for their upcom­ing Nations League match­es, fac­ing Poland on Fri­day and Croa­t­ia on Nov. 18, 2024.