
UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell has plunged into disgrace after unleashing an astonishingly ignorant and hateful tirade on his new podcast.

The 30-year-old feath­er­weight, already known for his out­landish views, took things to an unfor­giv­able lev­el by prais­ing Adolf Hitler, deny­ing the Holo­caust, and spew­ing homo­pho­bic non­sense. His com­ments have sparked wide­spread out­rage, rais­ing seri­ous ques­tions about the respon­si­bil­i­ties that come with hav­ing a pub­lic plat­form.

Mitchell’s Shocking Ignorance on Display

In the debut episode of his pod­cast ArkanSan­i­ty, Mitchell aban­doned real­i­ty in favor of unhinged con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries. “I hon­est­ly think Hitler was a good guy, based on my own research, not my pub­lic edu­ca­tion and indoc­tri­na­tion,” he said, dis­miss­ing well-doc­u­ment­ed his­to­ry.

It only got worse. Mitchell went on to claim that Hitler “fought for his coun­try” and was sim­ply try­ing to “puri­fy” Ger­many by expelling Jew­ish peo­ple and pre­vent­ing “every­one from turn­ing gay.” When his co-host Roli Del­ga­do tried to bring up the obvi­ous atroc­i­ty of geno­cide, Mitchell dou­bled down, deny­ing the Holo­caust alto­geth­er.

“That’s what your pub­lic edu­ca­tion will tell you, Roli, because you haven’t done your own research,” Mitchell said smug­ly, as if years of his­tor­i­cal schol­ar­ship were noth­ing com­pared to his inter­net rab­bit holes.

He then par­rot­ed a long-debunked claim: “There’s no pos­si­ble way they could’ve burned and cre­mat­ed six mil­lion bod­ies. The Holo­caust ain’t real.”

UFC’s Dana White Shuts It Down

Mitchell’s remarks could have fad­ed into the back­ground of MMA’s weird­er sub­cul­ture, but UFC Pres­i­dent Dana White made sure that wouldn’t hap­pen. In a press con­fer­ence, White evis­cer­at­ed the fighter’s com­ments, mak­ing it clear that Mitchell had crossed the line from stu­pid­i­ty to out­right anti­semitism and big­otry.

“I’ve heard a lot of dumb and igno­rant sh*t in my day, but this one is prob­a­bly the worst,” White said. “Hitler was respon­si­ble for the deaths of six mil­lion Jews and tried to wipe out an entire race. Any­one try­ing to argue oth­er­wise is a moron.”

White didn’t stop there. “That’s the prob­lem with the inter­net and social media,” he con­tin­ued. “It gives a plat­form to a lot of dumb and igno­rant peo­ple.”

How­ev­er, while con­demn­ing Mitchell, White clar­i­fied that the UFC would not pun­ish him, cit­ing free speech. “That’s the beau­ti­ful thing about this business—for every­one who hates Bryce Mitchell, you get to watch him hope­ful­ly get his ass whooped on glob­al tele­vi­sion.”

Fallout: Sponsors Bail, Reputation in Shambles

Mitchell’s com­ments have already start­ed cost­ing him. One of his spon­sors, the cloth­ing brand The Rege­nais­sance, imme­di­ate­ly sev­ered ties. “His com­ments do not reflect our val­ues in any man­ner,” said founder Ryan Grig­gs on Insta­gram.

Mean­while, Mitchell, who has built a rep­u­ta­tion as a ris­ing feath­er­weight con­tender, now finds him­self bet­ter known for his mind-bog­gling igno­rance than his fight­ing skills. Despite his 17–3 record and unde­ni­able grap­pling tal­ent, it remains to be seen whether UFC fans will ever take him seri­ous­ly again.

The Bigger Picture

Ath­letes, espe­cial­ly those with large fol­low­ings, have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to use their plat­forms wise­ly. Mitchell’s descent into anti­se­mit­ic con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries and out­right Holo­caust denial is not just an embar­rass­ing foot­note: it’s a reflec­tion of how dan­ger­ous mis­in­for­ma­tion can be when ampli­fied by pub­lic fig­ures. While the UFC may not be pun­ish­ing him offi­cial­ly, the back­lash from fans, spon­sors, and the broad­er sports world should serve as a stark reminder: stu­pid­i­ty and hate speech come with con­se­quences.