
A huge thank you to everyone who has already donated or shared Vladislav Kovalev’s story!

Your sup­port has been amaz­ing, but we still have a lit­tle way to go to reach our tar­get.

Please, donate and share via Face­book Donate:
Offi­cial Face­book Dona­tion

Vladislav is just a few weeks away from com­pet­ing in the Euro­pean Indi­vid­ual Chess Cham­pi­onship in Mon­tene­gro. Right now, he’s prepar­ing day in and day out, focus­ing on his train­ing. But to get there and per­form at his best, he needs help cov­er­ing essen­tial costs like trav­el, accom­mo­da­tion, meals, and tour­na­ment fees. That’s where you come in.

When you donate, you’re not just help­ing a tal­ent­ed grand­mas­ter get to a chess tour­na­ment. You’re stand­ing with some­one who’s tak­en a brave stand for free­dom and jus­tice, choos­ing integri­ty over com­fort. Vladislav’s jour­ney rep­re­sents resilience in the face of adver­si­ty, and your sup­port will give him the oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­pete on the inter­na­tion­al stage with a clear mind and full focus.

If you’ve already donat­ed, thank you so much! You’ve made a real dif­fer­ence. If you haven’t yet, please con­sid­er giv­ing what you can—it all adds up and gets us clos­er to our goal. And don’t for­get, shar­ing this with your friends and fam­i­ly can make just as big of an impact.

Let’s get Vladislav to the Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship. Every dona­tion, every share, brings him one step clos­er!

Please, donate and share via Face­book Donate:
Offi­cial Face­book Dona­tion