
It is with profound sadness and heavy hearts that we share the news of the untimely passing of Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau.

The Gau­dreau broth­ers were trag­i­cal­ly killed by a drunk dri­ver while cycling in New Jer­sey.

John­ny, an NHL super­star affec­tion­ate­ly known as “John­ny Hock­ey,” was a beloved fig­ure in the hock­ey world, with a lega­cy that extends far beyond his time with the Cal­gary Flames and the Colum­bus Blue Jack­ets. His pas­sion for the game, his elec­tri­fy­ing style of play, and his unwa­ver­ing ded­i­ca­tion to his team­mates and fans made him a true icon. His broth­er Matthew was equal­ly remark­able, known for his kind­ness, resilience, and sup­port for those around him.

The impact of their loss has rip­pled across the sports world, with sev­er­al NFL teams pay­ing trib­ute to John­ny Hock­ey before the start of their games. This out­pour­ing of respect and love speaks vol­umes about the influ­ence John­ny and Matthew had on every­one who knew them, both on and off the ice.

Our thoughts are with the Gau­dreau fam­i­ly dur­ing this incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult time.

As we mourn, let us also take a moment to reflect on the impor­tance of safe­ty, respon­si­bil­i­ty, and the pre­cious­ness of life.
Drunk dri­ving is a pre­ventable tragedy, and we urge every­one to make choic­es that pro­tect the lives of oth­ers.

John­ny and Matthew, you will be deeply missed. Your lega­cy will live on in the hearts of every­one who knew you.