

A Historic Moment for the IOC

For the first time in its his­to­ry, the Inter­na­tion­al Olympic Com­mit­tee (IOC) has elect­ed a woman as its pres­i­dent. Kirsty Coven­try, a for­mer Olympic swim­ming cham­pi­on from Zim­bab­we, replaces Germany’s Thomas Bach. At 41 years old, Coven­try is not only the first woman but also the first African to lead the IOC. She also serves as Zimbabwe’s Min­is­ter of Sport, a role that has drawn both praise and con­tro­ver­sy.

A Swift and Decisive Election

Despite expec­ta­tions of a drawn-out con­test, the elec­tion process was swift. At the 144th IOC Ses­sion in Cos­ta Navari­no, Coven­try secured an absolute major­i­ty in the first round of vot­ing, defeat­ing six oth­er can­di­dates. A total of 110 IOC mem­bers par­tic­i­pat­ed, includ­ing 47 women. To ensure com­plete con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, all par­tic­i­pants were required to sur­ren­der their smart­phones and oth­er elec­tron­ic devices before the vote.

A Controversial but Influential Figure

Coventry’s rise to the top of the IOC has sparked both admi­ra­tion and crit­i­cism. A mem­ber of the IOC since 2013, she was seen as a pro­tégé of Thomas Bach. While her sport­ing achievements—including sev­en Olympic medals, two of them gold—are undis­put­ed, her tenure as Zimbabwe’s Min­is­ter of Sport has been con­tentious. Crit­ics argue that she has failed to address human rights issues in Zim­bab­wean sports. Nev­er­the­less, her elec­tion marks a shift in an orga­ni­za­tion long dom­i­nat­ed by men.

Coventry’s Vision for the IOC

In her vic­to­ry speech, Coven­try stat­ed: “This is not just a great hon­or but a reminder of my com­mit­ment to each of you. I am proud to lead this orga­ni­za­tion, and togeth­er, we will build a stronger Olympic move­ment.”

Key ques­tions now arise: Will she bring real reforms or con­tin­ue Bach’s lega­cy? Will her lead­er­ship extend beyond com­mer­cial deals to mean­ing­ful change? The answers will define her tenure.

Thomas Bach Becomes Honorary President

After 12 years in office, Bach has been named Hon­orary Pres­i­dent of the IOC. He declined the oppor­tu­ni­ty to seek an extend­ed term, empha­siz­ing the need for new lead­er­ship. Now, with Coven­try at the helm, the Olympic move­ment faces a test of its com­mit­ment to reform and glob­al sports lead­er­ship.

Political Context: IOC, Russia, Belarus, and Zimbabwe

Coven­try’s elec­tion also rais­es ques­tions about the IOC’s stance on Rus­sia and Belarus, par­tic­u­lar­ly regard­ing their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Olympics. Under Thomas Bach, the IOC has been crit­i­cized for its lenien­cy towards Russ­ian and Belaru­sian ath­letes despite their coun­tries’ involve­ment in the war against Ukraine. The deci­sion to allow some of these ath­letes to com­pete as neu­trals has been wide­ly seen as a com­pro­mise favor­ing Moscow.

Zimbabwe’s close ties with both Rus­sia and Belarus add anoth­er lay­er to the sto­ry. The Zim­bab­wean gov­ern­ment has main­tained strong diplo­mat­ic and mil­i­tary rela­tion­ships with Moscow and Min­sk, receiv­ing weapons, eco­nom­ic aid, and strate­gic sup­port. Belaru­sian leader Alexan­der Lukashenko has per­son­al­ly met with Zim­bab­wean offi­cials, cement­ing an alliance that mir­rors broad­er Russ­ian geopo­lit­i­cal inter­ests in Africa.

Giv­en Coventry’s gov­ern­ment ties, ques­tions will be raised about her abil­i­ty to remain neu­tral on the issue of Russ­ian and Belaru­sian par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Olympics. Will she chal­lenge Bach’s pro-Russ­ian ten­den­cies, or will she main­tain the sta­tus quo? As the 2026 Olympics approach, her lead­er­ship will be close­ly scru­ti­nized.

Presidents of the IOC Throughout History

  • 1894 — 1896 Demetrius Vike­las (Greece)
  • 1896 — 1925 Pierre de Cou­bertin (France)
  • 1925 — 1942 Hen­ri de Bail­let-Latour (Bel­gium)
  • 1942 — 1952 Sigfrid Edström (Swe­den)
  • 1952 — 1972 Avery Brundage (USA)
  • 1972 — 1980 Michael Kil­lanin (Ire­land)
  • 1980 — 2001 Juan Anto­nio Sama­ranch (Spain)
  • 2001 — 2013 Jacques Rogge (Bel­gium)
  • 2013 — 2025 Thomas Bach (Ger­many)
  • 2025 — ??? Kirsty Coven­try (Zim­bab­we)