
LeBron James and Bronny’s jerseys are up for auction at $70K.

Sotheby’s has unveiled a his­toric auc­tion fea­tur­ing jer­seys worn by LeBron James and Bron­ny James dur­ing their NBA sea­son open­er on Octo­ber 22. The game marked the first time a father and son played togeth­er in the league.  

The start­ing bid? A jaw-drop­ping $70,000 for the pair.
While LeBron’s jer­sey is ful­ly authen­ti­cat­ed, Bron­ny’s isn’t, which might deter some col­lec­tors. Even so, the mem­o­ra­bil­ia rep­re­sents a once-in-a-life­time moment in bas­ket­ball his­to­ry.

Bronny’s per­for­mance, how­ev­er, has sparked debate. Play­ing just three min­utes in the open­er, he scored no points and grabbed one rebound. Crit­ics, includ­ing Skip Bay­less, have ques­tioned his NBA readi­ness.
Despite the skep­ti­cism, Lak­ers coach JJ Redick defend­ed Bronny’s spot on the ros­ter, and the team secured a 110–103 win over the Min­neso­ta Tim­ber­wolves in their home open­er. 

Will this father-son mile­stone dri­ve col­lec­tors to make the hefty invest­ment?