
🔥 Thousands of Ukrainians worldwide will run simultaneously in honor of Ukraine’s Heroes. Registration for the big online marathon has begun. Join us!

This event is proud­ly sup­port­ed by the Ath­letes for Free­dom Foun­da­tion.

This marathon is more than just a run—it’s a sym­bol of uni­ty, remem­brance, and sup­port for Ukraine’s war­riors. The marathon kicks off on April 13—a date we must nev­er for­get. On this day in 2014, Russ­ian aggres­sion began. That’s why we run again, to show that Ukraine is strong, Ukraine is unbreak­able!

📅 Date: April 13, 2025
🌍 For­mat: Online – run wher­ev­er you are

💙 Par­tic­i­pa­tion options:
🔹 Free – just reg­is­ter and run.
🔹 Paid pack­ages:

  • 400 UAH (~$9.62 USD) – includes a medal + a unique “BRO Coin” cryp­to token.
  • 800 UAH (~$19.24 USD) – includes a medal + a unique “BRO Coin” cryp­to token.
  • All pro­ceeds will sup­port the 3rd Air Assault Brigade and the vet­er­an move­ment.

💛 This is more than a run—it’s your chance to be part of his­to­ry.
Last time, near­ly 30,000 par­tic­i­pants joined—an offi­cial Ukrain­ian record. This year, we’re aim­ing for a world record!

💥 Run for a Hero – As part of the marathon, we run wear­ing shirts with the names of fall­en war­riors. To remem­ber. To make the world know.

📢 How to join?
Reg­is­ter at
Run on April 13
Record your result and be part of the record!

📣 Sup­port the Heroes—spread the word! Ukraini­ans are run­ning all over the world—from Kyiv to Antarc­ti­ca!

💙💛 Togeth­er to vic­to­ry! Let’s run for our Heroes!