
Max Verstappen has firmly cemented his place in Formula 1 history, winning his fourth consecutive World Championship after a dominant season capped off at the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

At just 27 years old, the Dutch dri­ver joins an elite group, match­ing Alain Prost and Sebas­t­ian Vet­tel with four titles, while also clos­ing in on Michael Schu­macher’s icon­ic streak of five con­sec­u­tive cham­pi­onships.  

Verstappen’s reign since 2021 has been unpar­al­leled. His 62 career vic­to­ries put him third on the all-time wins list, trail­ing only Schu­mach­er (91) and Lewis Hamil­ton (105). With a near­ly 30% win rate, Verstappen’s effi­cien­cy mir­rors that of the sport’s great­est leg­ends. His name now stands along­side icons like Juan Manuel Fan­gio, Ayr­ton Sen­na, and Niki Lau­da, reshap­ing the mod­ern era of rac­ing.  

How­ev­er, Verstappen’s dom­i­nance rais­es an unusu­al ques­tion: What is he giv­ing back? Unlike oth­er four-time world cham­pi­ons such as Vet­tel, who became known for his out­spo­ken activism and envi­ron­men­tal ini­tia­tives, or Hamil­ton, whose advo­ca­cy for equal­i­ty has tran­scend­ed the race­track, Ver­stap­pen has yet to align his sta­tus with any sig­nif­i­cant cause or char­i­ty work. 

In fact, Verstappen’s pub­lic per­sona leans more toward self-cen­tered­ness, a trait that’s jar­ring in a world where many top ath­letes use their plat­forms for greater impact. His absence from phil­an­thropic efforts stands in stark con­trast to the immense glob­al reach he commands—a missed oppor­tu­ni­ty for some­one with the abil­i­ty to inspire mil­lions.  

As Ver­stap­pen con­tin­ues to dom­i­nate For­mu­la 1, his lega­cy on the track is indis­putable. The real ques­tion is whether he will choose to cre­ate an impact off it, align­ing his name with val­ues that res­onate far beyond the roar of engines.