
Michael Jordan’s game-worn red jersey from the Chicago Bulls’ 1996–1997 championship season sold for $4.68 million at Sotheby’s in New York in November, 2024.

The sale was part of the “Colos­sal – The Ulti­mate Jor­dan Col­lec­tion” auc­tion, attract­ing fans and col­lec­tors from around the world.

Sotheby’s spe­cial­ist Bren­dan Hawkes had esti­mat­ed the “uni­corn” item would fetch between $4 to $6 mil­lion, mak­ing it one of the most valu­able pieces of Jor­dan mem­o­ra­bil­ia on the mar­ket. Jor­dan wore this par­tic­u­lar jer­sey dur­ing at least 17 games, includ­ing a mem­o­rable matchup on March 12, 1997, when rook­ie Allen Iver­son famous­ly crossed over the NBA leg­end.

Jordan’s game-worn jer­seys are typ­i­cal­ly used only once, which adds to the rar­i­ty of this one. The val­ue comes not just from Jordan’s lega­cy, but also from the unique his­to­ry attached to it. 

Along­side the red jer­sey, Sotheby’s auc­tioned five oth­er Michael Jor­dan items, includ­ing two white Bulls jer­seys, his 1992 Olympic flag, and a warm-up top and sneak­ers from his col­lege years at the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na. Each piece adds anoth­er lay­er to Jordan’s sto­ried career, show­cas­ing key moments that helped define his impact on the game.