
PARIS, Nov 14 – French authorities are ramping up security as France hosts Israel in a Nations League match at the Stade de France, following recent attacks on Israeli fans in Amsterdam.

The game comes amid ris­ing ten­sions from the Israel-Gaza con­flict, and diplo­mat­ic strain between French Pres­i­dent Emmanuel Macron and Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu.

Around 4,000 police offi­cers will be deployed inside the sta­di­um, around the area, and on pub­lic transit—a secu­ri­ty pres­ence three to four times the usu­al lev­el for such events, accord­ing to Paris police chief Lau­rent Nunez. Only French and Israeli flags will be allowed in the sta­di­um, and Macron’s atten­dance reflects a stance of sol­i­dar­i­ty against esca­lat­ing anti­semitism.

While offi­cials reaf­firmed that the game would pro­ceed as planned, turnout is expect­ed to be low, with only 20,000 fans in the 80,000-capacity sta­di­um. A sur­vey by French sup­port­ers’ group Les Irre­ductibles Français revealed that 15% plan to boy­cott the event due to the Israel-Gaza war, with 30% cit­ing secu­ri­ty con­cerns.

Reports of anti­se­mit­ic inci­dents in France have risen by 284% in 2023 alone, with anti-Mus­lim acts also on the rise. It is feared that Islamist fac­tions are using this cli­mate to jus­ti­fy attacks on Israelis and to claim dou­ble stan­dards in West­ern policies—an argu­ment con­demned as mis­lead­ing and a dan­ger­ous diver­sion from real con­cerns of safe­ty and dis­crim­i­na­tion.

“Many young peo­ple are scared to attend after see­ing dis­turb­ing footage of attacks in Ams­ter­dam,” said Aurélien Bern­heïm, co-founder of the Move­ment for French Jews. Mean­while, some pro-Pales­tin­ian groups argue the game should be can­celed, cit­ing per­ceived injus­tices, yet this rhetoric per­ceived as uncon­struc­tive and mis­used.

Despite the ten­sion, some sup­port­ers remain unfazed. “I’m not wor­ried,” said Yan­nick Van­hee, leader of a French sup­port­ers’ asso­ci­a­tion in Dunkirk. “Author­i­ties are tak­ing the nec­es­sary secu­ri­ty steps.”