
Denver Nuggets guard Russell Westbrook has been fined $35,000 by the NBA for making an obscene gesture during a game, the league announced on Friday, November 29.

The inci­dent took place in the fourth quar­ter of Den­ver’s 145–118 home loss to the New York Knicks on Mon­day. West­brook, who scored 24 of his 27 points in the final quar­ter, made a mid­dle fin­ger ges­ture towards the Knicks’ bench after hit­ting a 3‑pointer with 5:55 remain­ing.

West­brook appeared to be react­ing to the “trav­el!” shouts from New York’s bench. Ini­tial­ly, it seemed he had left his feet and come back down with the ball still in his hands. How­ev­er, a clos­er look sug­gests that Josh Hart slight­ly dis­lodged the ball from West­brook’s hands, allow­ing him to legal­ly reestab­lish con­trol with a live drib­ble upon his descent.

Joe Dumars, NBA exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent and head of bas­ket­ball oper­a­tions, announced the fine.

West­brook, 36, is aver­ag­ing 12.2 points, 5.9 assists, and 4.1 rebounds in 17 games (three starts) in his first sea­son with the Nuggets. The nine-time All-Star and two-time scor­ing cham­pi­on has career aver­ages of 21.6 points, 8.1 assists, and 7.1 rebounds over 17 sea­sons with six teams.

Despite the cir­cum­stances, the league will not tol­er­ate play­ers mak­ing obscene ges­tures dur­ing games. While a $35,000 fine might seem exces­sive in every­day terms, it’s a small amount for an NBA play­er like West­brook, who has earned near­ly $350 mil­lion in salary alone in his career, not includ­ing his numer­ous endorse­ments. He’ll man­age.

Nev­er­the­less, this sit­u­a­tion under­scores the impor­tance of main­tain­ing respect­ful behav­ior, espe­cial­ly for ath­letes who serve as role mod­els. It’s cru­cial for play­ers to demon­strate sports­man­ship and integri­ty, both on and off the court, to inspire fans and future gen­er­a­tions. Per­haps, a larg­er fine should have been imposed.