
Sidney Crosby reached a major milestone on Saturday, November 23, scoring his 600th NHL goal during the Pittsburgh Penguins’ 6–1 loss to Utah at PPG Paints Arena.

The 37-year-old became just the 21st play­er in league his­to­ry and the sec­ond active play­er, along­side Alex Ovechkin, to achieve this feat. Cros­by is now one of two Pen­guins play­ers to hit the mark, join­ing the leg­endary Mario Lemieux.

The his­toric goal came on a 5‑on‑3 pow­er play in the sec­ond peri­od. Crosby’s one-timer from a sharp angle elec­tri­fied the home crowd, who gave him a stand­ing ova­tion dur­ing the goal announce­ment. His par­ents, Troy and Tri­na, were in the stands to wit­ness the moment, cel­e­brat­ed with a trib­ute video high­light­ing his sto­ried career.

In his 20th NHL sea­son, Cros­by con­tin­ues to defy age with his con­sis­tent per­for­mance. He has aver­aged at least a point per game in each of his first 19 sea­sons, tying Wayne Gretzky’s record. With three Stan­ley Cups, two Hart Tro­phies, and count­less oth­er acco­lades, Crosby’s lega­cy as one of the great­est play­ers in hock­ey his­to­ry remains indis­putable.

“It’s spe­cial to do it here at home, in front of fam­i­ly and fans,” Cros­by said. “Moments like this remind you how for­tu­nate you are.”