
Former world No. 1 Simona Halep has officially announced her retirement, ending a remarkable career that saw her claim two Grand Slam titles and 24 WTA singles championships.

Halep made the emo­tion­al announce­ment at the Tran­syl­va­nia Open in Cluj, where she played her farewell match. Address­ing the crowd, she expressed grat­i­tude for her jour­ney and acknowl­edged the phys­i­cal toll that made a return to top form impos­si­ble.

Her career was marked by extra­or­di­nary highs: a dom­i­nant Wim­ble­don vic­to­ry over Ser­e­na Williams in 2019 and a French Open tri­umph in 2018. And, some deep chal­lenges, includ­ing an unjust­ly pro­longed dop­ing case. After ini­tial­ly receiv­ing a four-year ban, Halep fought to clear her name, with the Court of Arbi­tra­tion for Sport (CAS) ulti­mate­ly reduc­ing her sus­pen­sion and dis­miss­ing addi­tion­al charges relat­ed to her bio­log­i­cal pass­port.

Despite these obsta­cles, Halep remains one of the sport’s greats—a fight­er both on and off the court.

As she steps away from pro­fes­sion­al ten­nis, she leaves behind a lega­cy of deter­mi­na­tion, grace, and inspi­ra­tion for ath­letes every­where.