
Stephen Curry Surpasses LeBron James as NBA’s Top Earner  

Octo­ber 23 – Stephen Cur­ry, the Gold­en State War­riors’ super­star guard and the NBA’s all-time leader in three-point­ers, is set to become the league’s high­est-paid play­er this sea­son, accord­ing to a report by Sporti­co

Curry’s pro­ject­ed earn­ings are expect­ed to reach around $155.8 mil­lion, com­bin­ing his salary and income from off-court ven­tures. This sur­pass­es Los Ange­les Lak­ers icon LeBron James, who is slat­ed to earn $133.7 mil­lion.  For the past 11 con­sec­u­tive sea­sons, no NBA play­er earned more than James. The last play­er to out-earn him was Kobe Bryant dur­ing the 2012–13 sea­son.

Curry’s income streams go beyond bas­ket­ball. He has endorse­ment deals with major brands like JPMor­gan Chase, Pani­ni, and Fanat­ics. He also built a busi­ness empire with ven­tures in media pro­duc­tion and ven­ture cap­i­tal, con­tribut­ing to his finan­cial rise. 

The finan­cial leader­board also includes oth­er NBA stars:  

- Gian­nis Ante­tok­oun­m­po (Mil­wau­kee Bucks): $103.8 mil­lion
- Kevin Durant (Phoenix Suns): $97.9 mil­lion
- Dami­an Lil­lard (Mil­wau­kee Bucks): $66.8 mil­lion  

In total, the top 15 NBA play­ers are pro­ject­ed to earn $1.13 bil­lion in com­bined salary and endorse­ment deals this sea­son — an 11% increase com­pared to last year, per Sporti­co.