
As the NFL season hits its midpoint, fans are speculating on which teams might reach Super Bowl LIX, one of the largest sports events in the U.S. and a global spectacle.

Here’s a run­down on what to expect for this season’s big game, from loca­tion and tim­ing to the much-antic­i­pat­ed half­time per­for­mance.

Loca­tion and His­to­ry of This Year’s Super Bowl Venue

Super Bowl LIX is set to take place in New Orleans at the Cae­sars Super­dome, the home sta­di­um of the New Orleans Saints, which seats 83,000 fans. This will mark the 11th time New Orleans has host­ed the Super Bowl. Notably, the Super­dome played a key role dur­ing Hur­ri­cane Kat­ri­na in 2005, pro­vid­ing shel­ter for thou­sands of res­i­dents.

Date and Time Details for Super Bowl LIX

Mark your cal­en­dars for Feb­ru­ary 9, with kick­off at 6:30 p.m. ET (2330 GMT). Super Bowl Sun­day attracts not just die-hard foot­ball fans, but mil­lions more tun­ing in for the enter­tain­ment and the icon­ic ads. In 2024, the event pulled in an audi­ence of around 210 mil­lion.

Under­stand­ing the NFL Play­off Process

The road to the Super Bowl involves 14 teams in the NFL play­offs: sev­en from each con­fer­ence. Each conference’s four divi­sion cham­pi­ons and three wild-card teams (non-divi­sion win­ners with the best records) face off in a sin­gle-elim­i­na­tion tour­na­ment. The NFC and AFC cham­pi­ons are decid­ed on Jan­u­ary 26, with the win­ners advanc­ing to the Super Bowl. Last year, the Kansas City Chiefs emerged as back-to-back cham­pi­ons after an over­time win against the San Fran­cis­co 49ers.

Suc­cess Sto­ries of Wild-Card Teams in Super Bowl His­to­ry

Yes, sev­en wild-card teams have gone all the way to claim the Super Bowl. The first to do it was the Oak­land Raiders in 1980, while the Tam­pa Bay Buc­ca­neers were the most recent, win­ning in 2020.


Top Con­tenders for the 2025 Super Bowl

While any­thing can hap­pen in the sec­ond half of the NFL sea­son, two teams are already seen as strong con­tenders: the Kansas City Chiefs, who aim to make his­to­ry with three con­sec­u­tive Super Bowl wins, and the Detroit Lions, a team seek­ing their first-ever Super Bowl appear­ance.

How to Watch Super Bowl LIX

Fox will be broad­cast­ing Super Bowl LIX, and it will also be avail­able for stream­ing on Fubo TV. Inter­na­tion­al­ly, ser­vices like Dazn will pro­vide access for fans tun­ing in out­side the U.S.

Details on the 2025 Super Bowl Half­time Per­for­mance

The Super Bowl half­time show will fea­ture Gram­my-win­ning hip-hop artist Kendrick Lamar. Known for his roots in Comp­ton, Cal­i­for­nia, and 17 Gram­my wins, Lamar pre­vi­ous­ly per­formed at the Super Bowl in 2022. Past head­lin­ers have includ­ed stars like Michael Jack­son, Prince, and Bey­on­cé. Last year, Gram­my-win­ner Ush­er took the stage.


Break­ing Down Tick­et Prices and Avail­abil­i­ty for Super Bowl LIX

Tick­ets for the Super Bowl are famous­ly expen­sive and dif­fi­cult to secure. Tick­Pick esti­mates the cheap­est seats for Super Bowl LIX to be around $6,600, with the aver­age tick­et priced at $9,500. The two teams in the Super Bowl get 35% of the tick­ets, while the host team receives 5%, and the remain­ing teams split a por­tion, often dis­trib­ut­ing them via lot­ter­ies to sea­son-tick­et hold­ers. The NFL retains 25% of tick­ets for media, part­ners, and com­mu­ni­ty groups, with 500 tick­ets giv­en away by the league.

The Price of Com­mer­cials Dur­ing the Big Game

With a guar­an­teed large audi­ence, Super Bowl ads are a pre­mier oppor­tu­ni­ty for brands to show­case cre­ative cam­paigns. While prices for the 2025 Super Bowl ads haven’t been announced, in 2024, a 30-sec­ond spot cost around $7 mil­lion on CBS.

The Sto­ry Behind the Vince Lom­bar­di Tro­phy

Each year, the Super Bowl cham­pi­on receives the Vince Lom­bar­di Tro­phy, named in hon­or of the leg­endary NFL coach who led the Green Bay Pack­ers to vic­to­ry in the first two Super Bowls.