
We are thrilled to share that thanks to your generous contributions, chess grandmaster Vladislav Kovalev successfully participated in the European Championship in Montenegro.

He achieved an incred­i­ble mile­stone:  

👉 7.5 points out of 11
👉 20th place over­all out of 400 play­ers
👉 Qual­i­fi­ca­tion for the World Cham­pi­onship  

Vladislav’s deter­mi­na­tion, skill, and com­po­sure secured the last remain­ing spot in the World Cham­pi­onship lineup—a tes­ta­ment to his per­se­ver­ance and tal­ent. 🎉  

Here’s what Vladislav had to say after the tour­na­ment in his Insta­gram post (his orig­i­nal post inter­pret­ed):  

I would like to share some great news with you.
I played suc­cess­ful­ly at the Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship in Mon­tene­gro. 👍🏼👍🏼
7.5 points out of 11, and the final 20th place! The com­po­si­tion of the par­tic­i­pants was, as always, decent. And the num­ber of play­ers was not insignif­i­cant — 400 peo­ple. My main goal for the tour­na­ment was to qual­i­fy for the World Cham­pi­onship. And I achieved it. It turned out that I grabbed the last remain­ing spot. 😅 Every­thing went well. I played reli­ably and every­thing went well.
I could have scored more points, but I did­n’t want to risk it too much.
I want to thank every­one who cheered me on and wor­ried about me. Thank you all for your help in prepar­ing for this tour­na­ment. ♥️ Your sup­port is very impor­tant to me. It gives me more con­fi­dence in my skills.
There are still a lot of dif­fer­ent tasks to solve. So there is no time to relax.
Good luck to every­one! 👍🏼🍀

Vladislav Kovalev at the Euro­pean Chess Cham­pi­onship in Mon­tene­gro in 2024. Pho­to from his Insta­gram.

This suc­cess wouldn’t have been pos­si­ble with­out the out­pour of sup­port from our com­mu­ni­ty. Togeth­er, we raised $2,000 to help Vladislav pre­pare for the cham­pi­onship. Your con­tri­bu­tions made a real dif­fer­ence, enabling him to focus on his game and rep­re­sent Belarus as a free and pro-democ­ra­cy ath­lete on the inter­na­tion­al stage.

Thank you for believ­ing in and sup­port­ing Vladislav. 🙌 Let’s keep the momen­tum going as we con­tin­ue to stand by those striv­ing to achieve great­ness despite adver­si­ties and per­se­cu­tion.

Here is the link to Vladislav’s post on Insta­gram.

Main pho­to: Vladislav Kovalev, cour­tesy of FIDE.