
On November 15, 2024, the boxing world will witness an unforgettable showdown. Mike Tyson, the former undisputed heavyweight champion, returns to the ring after a 19-year hiatus. 

He will face Jake Paul, the 27-year-old YouTube star-turned-box­er. This high-pro­file match will take place at AT&T Sta­di­um in Arling­ton, Texas, with both fight­ers bring­ing their own brand of dra­ma to the squared cir­cle. Tyson, now 58 years old, is set to prove he still has the pow­er that made him a leg­end in the 1980s. Mean­while, Paul, with a 9–1 record, seeks to solid­i­fy his cred­i­bil­i­ty in the sport.


Stream­ing Live on Net­flix

For those unable to attend, the fight will be streamed live on Net­flix at 8 p.m. ET. This marks a ground­break­ing move for Net­flix as it ven­tures into live sports broad­cast­ing. With Tyson’s lega­cy and Paul’s enor­mous online fol­low­ing, the event is expect­ed to draw mil­lions of view­ers glob­al­ly. The com­bi­na­tion of Tyson’s leg­endary sta­tus and Paul’s con­tro­ver­sy promis­es a high­ly antic­i­pat­ed spec­ta­cle.


An Under­card Full of Tal­ent

While the main event will undoubt­ed­ly steal the spot­light, the under­card also promis­es to deliv­er. The co-main event fea­tures a rematch between Katie Tay­lor and Aman­da Ser­ra­no for the junior wel­ter­weight title. Their first encounter in 2022 was a thrilling con­test, and their sec­ond bout is expect­ed to be just as intense, with Tay­lor look­ing to defend her title against a deter­mined Ser­ra­no. 

The event will also show­case oth­er notable fight­ers, includ­ing Ash­ton Sylve, Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., and Floyd Schofield, adding fur­ther intrigue to an already stacked line­up.


Tick­et Infor­ma­tion

Tick­ets for those wish­ing to expe­ri­ence the event in per­son are avail­able through Seat­Geek. If you’ve already pur­chased tick­ets for the pre­vi­ous­ly sched­uled date, they will be hon­ored for this resched­uled fight night. For those unable to attend, refunds are avail­able until July 8, 2024.


Celebri­ty Pres­ence and Media Atten­tion

Giv­en the star pow­er of both Tyson and Paul, this fight will attract sig­nif­i­cant atten­tion from both sports fans and enter­tain­ment fig­ures. Expect a star-stud­ded crowd as celebri­ties from var­i­ous indus­tries are like­ly to be in atten­dance. Tyson’s return to the ring, cou­pled with Paul’s grow­ing influ­ence, ensures that this event will not just be a sport­ing spec­ta­cle, but a major cul­tur­al moment.

Whether you’re tun­ing in to see Tyson’s return or Paul’s attempt to make a state­ment in the box­ing world, this fight is poised to be one of the most talked-about events of 2024. Don’t miss it—watch live on Net­flix.